
The National Center for Molecular Characterization of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

[Release time]:2019-04-17  [Hits]:3228

The National Center for Molecular Characterization of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) was established in 2009 with funding from “National Key Projects for Development of New Varieties of GMOs”. The Center serves as both a research and a service-oriented institute affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


The goal of the Center is to become one of the world-class top centers for molecular characterization of GMOs. The Center provides technical services and technical supports for the development, safety assessment and monitoring of GMOs, thus, guards the healthy and sustainable growth of the GMO industry in China.    

Major Duties:

1. Development of novel methods and techniques for the molecular characterization of GMOs using combined genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic approaches (system biology approaches), and establishment of corresponding technical standards. 

2. Establishment of the preparation system of certified reference materials for the GMO monitoring and detection.

3. Providing services for the detection and molecular characterization of GMOs, and for the technical training and the science education of GMOs as well.  

Funding Resources:

Ongoing projects in the center are funded by Key Basic Research Programs of China (973 Program), High Technology Research and Development Programs of China (863 program), State Key Projects for Development of New Varieties of GMOs, Key Projects of National Natural Science Foundation, Key Projects of Shanghai Municipal Science and technology Commission and Shanghai Municipal Agriculture Commission

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