
Delin You

Selected Publications

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    Li J, Chen Y, Zheng T, Kong L, Zhu S, Sun Y, Deng Z, Yang L*, You D*. Quantitative mapping of DNA phosphorothioatome reveals phosphorothioate heterogeneity of low modification frequency. PLoS Genet. 2019, 15(4):e1008026.


    Zheng X, Cheng Q, Yao F, Wang X, Kong L, Cao B, Xu M, Lin S, Deng Z, Chooi YH*, You D*. Biosynthesis of the pyrrolidine protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin involves novel gene ensemble and cryptic biosynthetic steps. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017,114(16):4135-40.


    Kong L, Zhang W, Chooi YH, Wang L, Cao B, Deng Z, Chu Y, You D*. A Multifunctional Monooxygenase XanO4 Catalyzes Xanthone Formation in Xantholipin Biosynthesis via a Cryptic Demethoxylation. Cell Chem Biol. 2016, 23(4):508-16.


    Zheng T, Jiang P, Cao B, Cheng Q, Kong L, Zheng X, Hu Q*, You D*. DndEi exhibits helicase activity essential for DNA phosphorothioate modification and ATPase activity strongly stimulated by DNA substrate with a GAAC/GTTC motif. J Biol Chem. 2016, 291(3):1492-500. 


    Cheng Q, Cao B, Yao F, Li J, Deng Z, You D*. Regulation of DNA phosphorothioate modifications by the transcriptional regulator DptB in Salmonella. Molecular Microbiology 2015, 97(6): 1186-94.

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    Cao B, Chen C, DeMott MS, Cheng Q, Clark TA, Xiong X, Zheng X, Butty V, Levine SS, Yuan G, Boitano M, Luong K, Song Y, Zhou X, Deng Z, Turner SW, Korlach J, You D*, Wang L*, Chen S*, Dedon PC. Genomic mapping of phosphorothioates reveals partial modification of short consensus sequences. Nature Communications 2014, 5: 3951.


    Zhu T, Cheng X, Liu Y, Deng Z, You D*. Deciphering and engineering of the final step halogenase for improved chlortetracycline biosynthesis in industrial Streptomyces aureofaciens. Metabolic Engineering 2013, 19:69-78.


    Zhang W, Wang L, Kong L, Wang T, Chu Y, Deng Z, You D*. Unveiling the post-PKS redox tailoring steps in biosynthesis of the type II polyketide antitumor antibiotic xantholipin. Chemistry & Biology 2012, 19(3):422-32. (Cell Press journals)


    Liu Q, Yao F, Chooi Y, Kang Q, Xu W, Li Y, Shao Y, Shi Y, Deng Z, Tang Y*, You D*. Elucidation of piericidin A1 biosynthetic locus revealed a thioesterase-dependent mechanism of α-pyridone ring formation. Chemistry & Biology 2012, 19(2):243-53. (Cell Press journals)


    Xu T, Yao F, Zhou X, Deng Z*, You D*. A novel host-specific restriction system associated with DNA backbone S-modification in Salmonella. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010, 38(20): 7133-41.