
Jun Xu

Professor/Tenured Associate Professor

Selected Publications

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    Song, Q., Li, Z., Chen, R., Ma, X., Xiao, X., and Xu, J. * Induction of a Toxin-Antitoxin Gene Cassette under High Hydrostatic Pressure Enables Markerless Gene Disruption in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrococcus yayanosii. Appl Environ Microbiol2019, 85, e02662-02618


    Bu, X.-L., Weng, J.-Y., He, B.-B., Xu, M.-J. *, and Xu, J. * A Novel AdpA Homologue Negatively Regulates Morphological Differentiation in Streptomyces xiamenensis 318. Appl Environ Microbiol 2019, 85, e03107-03118


    He, B. B., Bu, X. L., Zhou, T., Li, S. M., Xu, M. J. *, and Xu, J. *  Combinatory Biosynthesis of Prenylated 4-Hydroxybenzoate Derivatives by Overexpression of the Substrate-Promiscuous Prenyltransferase XimB in Engineered E. coli. ACS synthetic biology 2018, 7, 2094-2104


    Xu M, Wang J, Bu X, Yu H, Li P, Ou H, He Y, Xu F, Hu X, Zhu X, Ao P, Xu J*: Deciphering the streamlined genome of Streptomyces xiamenensis 318 as the producer of the anti-fibrotic drug candidate xiamenmycin. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:18977.


    Wang, J., Lu, Y., Nawaz, M. Z., and Xu, J. * Comparative Genomics Reveals Evidence of Genome Reduction and High Extracellular Protein Degradation Potential in Kangiella. Front Microbiol 2018, 9, 1224

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    徐岷涓, 徐俊. (2017) 红树林来源厦门链霉菌及其产生抗纤维化活性厦门霉素的研究进展. 中国抗生素杂志 42, 261-267


    李臻, 宋庆浩, 徐俊. (2017) 超嗜热古菌整合性遗传元件的研究进展. 微生物学报 57, 1400-1408


    卢文珺,王金文,徐俊. (2012) 信号分子ppGpp与微生物环境适应性. 生命科学 24, 385-389


    谢庶洁, 肖静, 徐俊. (2009) 微生物核糖体工程研究进展. 微生物学报 49, 981-986


    许静, 徐俊. (2008) 海洋共附生微生物天然产物生物合成基因研究进展. 微生物学报 48, 1-5