
Shuyang Sun

Research Professor

Education and Research Experience


  • 2000-2004 Bachelor in BioScience, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai
  • 2005-2006 Master in Biotechnology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  • 2007-2012 PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia


  • 2012-2015 Research Associate, Centre for Marine Bio-Innovation, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  • 2012-2014 Visiting Research Fellow, Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore
  • 2016-2019 Research Associate, The ithree Institute, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
  • 2020-Current Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai

Research Interests

The warfare between opportunistic pathogens and bacteriotrophic protozoa

My research interest is the grazing resistance of opportunistic pathogens and virulence evolution driven by bacteriotrophic protozoa, focusing on the roles of bacterial surface features, e.g. adhesins and secretion systems, in interactions with eukaryotic predators. 

Selected Publications

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    Sun, S., Noorian, P. and McDougald, D. 2018. Dual role of mechanisms involved in resistance to predation by protozoa and virulence to humans. Front Microbiol 9: 1017


    Sun, S., Tay, Q.X., Kjelleberg, S., Rice, S.A. and McDougald, D. 2015. Quorum sensing-regulated chitin metabolism provides grazing resistance to Vibrio cholerae biofilms. Isme j 9(8): 1812-1820


    Sun, S., Kjelleberg, S. and McDougald, D. 2013. Relative contributions of Vibrio polysaccharide and quorum sensing to the resistance of Vibrio cholerae to predation by heterotrophic protists. PLoS One 8(2): e56338