
Xiaoling Miao

Research Professor

Education and Research Experience

  • She obtained her BS degree in Biology from East China Normal University in July 1984, and Ph.D. degree in Biology from Tsinghua University in January 2005. She worked as a visiting scientist in the University of Wales Swansea, U.K. during 1996-1997, and joined Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in October 2005. She is on the editorial boards of BioMed Research International.

Research Interests

Bioactive compounds from microalgae and their application

  • Bioactive compounds from microalgae and their application



CO2 biofixation and biofuels production with microalgae

  • CO2 biofixation and biofuels production with microalgae

Screening of high efficient enzymes

  • Screening of high efficient enzymes

Selected Publications

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    • Siying Chen, Dehui Qu, Xiang Xiao, Xiaoling Miao*. Biohydrogen production with lipid-extracted Dunaliella biomass and a new strain of hyper-thermophilic archaeon Thermococcus eurythermalis A501. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(23): 12721-12730
    • Zhou Peng, Xiaoling Miao*. Monoglucosyldiacylglycerol participates in phosphate stress adaptation in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2020, 522: 662-668
    • Zhou Peng, Lei Feng, Xiaoxue Wang, Xiaoling Miao*. Adaptation of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 to phosphate starvation by glycolipid accumulation and membrane lipid remodeling. BBA - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 2019, 1864(12): 158522
    • Zaizhi You, Qi Zhang, Zhou Peng, Xiaoling Miao*. Lipid droplets mediate salt stress tolerance in Parachlorella kessleri. Plant Physiology, 2019, 181(2): 510-526
    • Zaizhi You, Qi Zhang, Xiaoling Miao*. Increasing DNA content for cost-effective oil production in Parachlorella kessleri. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 285: 121332
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    • Yi Gong, Xiaoling Miao*. Short Chain Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Microalgae Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. Marine Drugs, 2019, 17(5): 255
    • Qi Zhang, Zaizhi You, Xiaoling Miao*. Variation of fatty acid desaturation in response to different nitrate levels in Auxenochlorella pyrenoidosa. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5 (11): 181236

    Lili Yao, Jianye Shi, Xiaoling Miao*. Mixed Wastewater Coupled with CO2 for Microalgae Culturing and Nutrient Removal. PLoS One, 2015, 10(9): e0139117


    Hongqin Wu, Xiaoling Miao*. Biodiesel quality and biochemical changes of microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scenedesmus obliquus in response to nitrate levels. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 170: 421-427


    Dahai Tang, Wei Han, Penglin Li, Xiaoling Miao*, Jianjiang Zhong. CO2 biofixation and fatty acid composition of Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlorella pyrenoidosa in response to different CO2 levels. Bioresource Technology, 2011,102(3): 3071-3076