
Xiaoyan Pang

Associate Professor

Selected Publications

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    Zhang, C., Zhao, Y., Zhang, M., Pang, X., Wang, L., Zhao L., Structural resilience of the gut microbiota in adult mice under high fat dietary perturbations. ISME J. 2012, Accepted 


    Wang T., Cai G., Qiu Y., Fei N., Zhang M., Pang X., Jia W., Cai S., Zhao L., Structural segregation of gut microbiota between colorectal cancer patients and healthy volunteers. ISME J. 2012, 6: 320-329 


    Zhang C., Zhang M. Wang S., Han R., Cao Y., Hua W., Mao Y., Zhang X., Pang X., Wei C., Zhao G., Chen Y., Zhao L.. Interactions between gut microbiota, host genetics, and diet relevant to development of metabolic syndromes in mice. ISME J., 2010, 4: 232-241 


    Shen J., Zhang B. Wei H., Che C., Ding D., Hua X., Bucheli P., Wang L., Li Y., Pang X.(通讯作者), Zhao L., Assessment of the modulating effects of fructo-oligosaccharides on fecal microbiota using human flora associated piglets. Arch. Microbio., 2010, 192: 959-968 


    Wei H., Dong L., Wang T., Zhang M., Hua W., Zhang C., Pang X., Chen M., Su M., Qiu Y., Zhou M., Yang S., Chen Z., Rantalainen M., Nicholson J.K., Jia W., Wu D., Zhao L. Structural shifts of gutmicrobiota as surrogate endpoints for monitoring host health changes induced by carcinogen exposure, FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 2010, 73: 577–586 

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    Zhang M., Zhang M., Zhang C., Du H., Wei G., Pang X., Zhou H., Liu B., Zhao L., Pattern extraction of structural responses of gut microbiota to rotavirus infection via multivariate statistical analysis of clone library data. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 2009, 70(2):21-29 


    Li M., Zhou H., Hua W., Wang B., Wang S., Zhao G., Li L., Zhao L., Pang X.(通讯作者), Molecular diversity of Bacteroides spp. in human fecal microbiota as determined by group-specific 16S rRNA gene clone library analysis. Syst. Appl. Microbiol., 2009, 32: 193-200 


    Li M., Wang B., Zhang M., Rantalainen M., Wang S., Zhou H., Zhang Y., Shen J., Pang X., Zhang M., Wei H., Chen Y., Lu H., Zuo J., Su M., Qiu Y., Jia W., Xiao C., Smith L.M., Yang S., Holmes E., Tang H., Zhao G., Nicholson J.K., Li L., Zhao L., Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2008, 105: 2117-2122 


    Wei H., Shen J., Pang X., Ding D., Zhang Y., Zhang B., Lua H., Wang T., Zhang C., Hua X., Li Cui, Zhao L., Fatal infection in human flora-associated piglets caused by the opportunistic pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae from an apparently healthy human donor. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 2008, 70(7): 715–717 


    Pang X., Hua X, Yang Q, Ding D, Che C, Cui L, Jia W, Bucheli P, Zhao L. Inter- species transplantation of gut microbiota from human to pigs. ISME Journal., 2007, 1:156–162