
QingPing Yao

Research Professor

Selected Publications

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    Yao QP, Liu Z, Yao AH, Liu JT, Jiang J, Chen Y, Li SS, Han Y, Jiang ZL, Qi YX*. Circular RNA CircTET3 mediates rat vascular smooth muscle cell migration by targeting miR-351-5p, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2020; doi: 10.1002/jcp.29577


    Xie ZW, Chen YX, Long CF, Qi YX, Yao QP*. Cyclic stretch induces VEGFA alternative splicing via Serine/Arginine-Rich Splicing Factor 1.Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2018; 64(7):43-50.


    Bao H, Chen YX, Huang K, Zhuang F, Bao M, Han Y, Chen XH, Shi Q, Yao QP*, Qi YX*. Platelet-derived microparticles promote endothelial cell proliferation in hypertension via miR-142-3p. FASEB J. 2018; 32(7):3912-3923. 


    Qing-Ping Yao, Zhiwei Xie, Kaixuan Wang, Ping Zhang, Yue Han, Ying-Xin Qi*, Jiang Zong-Lai. Profiles of lncRNAs in Hypertensive Rats: Long non-coding RNA XR007793 Regulates Cyclic Stretch-induced Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation and Migration. Journal of hypertension, 2017; 35(6):1195-1203. 


    Qing-Ping Yao, Ping Zhang, Ying-Xin Qi, Chen Si-Guo,Shen Bao-rong, Yue Han,Yan Zhi-Qiang,* Jiang Zong-Lai. The role of SIRT6 in the differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells in response to cyclic strain. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 2014; 49:98-104.

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    Qing-Ping Yao#, Ying-Xin Qi#, Ping Zhang, Bin-Bin Cheng, Zhi-Qiang Yan*, Zong-Lai Jiang. SIRT1 and Connexin40 Mediate the Normal Shear Stress-Induced Inhibition of the Proliferation of Endothelial Cells Co-Cultured with Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013; 31(2-3):389-399.


    Yao QP, Hayman DM, Dai Q, Lindsey ML, Han HC, Alteration of Pulse Pressure Stimulates Arterial Wall Matrix Remodeling, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2009; 131(10):101011.


    王凯旋, 包晗, 姚庆苹*, 齐颖新*.长链非编码RNA XR007793在病理性高张应变诱导平滑肌细胞增殖中的作用.医用生物力学, 2016; 31(2):160-166.


    Shi Q, Zhuang F, Liu JT, Li N, Chen YX, Su XB, Yao AH, Yao QP, Han Y, Li SS, Qi YX* & Jiang ZL. Single-cell analyses reveal functional classification of DCs and their potential roles in inflammatory disease. FASEB Journal. 2018, doi:10.1096/fj.20101489R.


    Kai Huang, Han Bao, Zhi-Qiang Yan, Lu Wang, Ping Zhang, Qing-Ping Yao, Qian Shi, Xiao-Hu Chen, Kai-XuanWang, Bao-Rong Shen, Ying-Xin Qi*, and Zong-Lai Jiang . MicroRNA-33 protects against neointimal hyperplasia induced by arterial mechanical stretch in the graft vein. Cardiovascular Research. 2017; 113(5):488-497.