



  • 1999-2004年美国犹他大学Research Fellow、美国天普大学Associate Scientist。2004年至今在上海交通大学任教授、特聘教授、讲席教授。长期从事生殖细胞发育与调控机制研究。在国际上首次从成年小鼠卵巢内分离出雌性生殖干细胞, 并率先揭示其生物学特征, 发现成年哺乳动物卵巢内存在生殖干细胞。随后系统揭示雌性生殖干细胞体内外发育特征及关键调控因子并创建转化应用平台。改变八十多年生殖与发育传统观点, 改写教科书。为重新认识卵巢生理与生殖生物学和发育生物学相关理论, 开辟出一个崭新研究领域。为卵巢功能早衰和不孕症治疗、生育力保存、出生缺陷防治、动物繁殖、珍稀动物保存等开辟新途径。在Nature Cell Biology等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文100余篇。获欧洲、美国及中国授权专利。2020年获国家自然科学二等奖 (排名1), 入选中国高等学校十大科技进展, 获上海市自然科学一等奖 (排名1), 入选上海市领军人才, 入选上海市巾帼创新领军人物。曾主持国家自然科学基金重点和重点国合项目等。国家重大科学研究计划首席科学家,任美国RB&E杂志Section Editor与数家国际杂志编委,上海市生理科学会理事,中国生殖生物学会理事。







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    Zou K, Yuan Z, Yang Z, Luo H, Sun K, Zhou L, Xiang J, Shi L, Yu Q, Zhang Y, Hou R, Wu J*. Production of offspring from a germline stem cell line derived from ovaries. Nature Cell Biology 2009; 11: 631-636 (唯一通讯作者, Table of Contents Cover Story).


    Wu C, Xu B, Li X, Ma W, Zhang P, Chen X, Wu J*. Tracing and characterizing the development of transplanted female germline stem cells in vivo. Molecular Therapy. 2017; 25: 1408-1419. (唯一通讯作者)


     Li X, Zheng M, Xu B, Li D, Shen Y, Nie Y, Ma L*, Wu J*. Generation of offspring-producing 3D ovarian organoids derived from female germline stem cells and their application in toxicological detection. Biomaterials. 2021; 279: 121213. (最后通讯作者) 


    Zhang X-L#, Wu J#, Wang J#, Shen T, Li H, Lu J, Gu Y, Kang Y, Wong C-H, Ngan CY, Shao Z, Wu J* and Zhao X*. Integrative epigenomic analysis reveals unique epigenetic signatures involved in unipotency of mouse female germline stem cells. Genome Biology. 2016; 17: 1-12. (共同通讯作者)


    Luo Y, Yin M, Mu C, Hu X, Xie H, Li J, Cao T, Chen N*, Wu J*. Fan C*. Engineering female germline stem cells with exocytotic polymer dots. Advanced Materials. 2023; 35: e2210458.  (共同通讯作者)

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    Tian GG#, Hou C#, Li J*, Wu J*. Three‐dimensional genome structure shapes the recombination landscape of chromatin features during female germline stem cell development. Clinical and translational medicine. 2022; 12: e927. (最后通讯作者) 


    Fang Q, Tian G G, Wang Q, Liu M, He L*, Li S*, Wu J*. Ythdf1 phase separation triggers the fate transition of spermatogonial stem cells by activating the ikappab-nf-kappab-ccnd1 axis. Cell Reports. 2023; 42: 112403. (最后通讯作者)


    Hou C, Zhao X, Tian GG*, Wu J*. Stella Regulates the Development of Female Germline Stem Cells by Modulating Chromatin Structure and DNA Methylation. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2022; 18: 3006 (最后通讯作者)


    Tian G G, Zhao X, Hou C, Xie W, Li X, Wang Y, Wang L, Li H, Zhao X*, Li J*, Wu J*. Integrative analysis of the 3D genome structure reveals that CTCF maintains the properties of mouse female germline stem cells. Cell Mol Life Sci 2022; 79: 22. (最后通讯作者)


    Jia W, Xu B, Wu J*. Circular RNA expression profiles of mouse ovaries during postnatal development and the function of circular RNA epidermal growth factor receptor in granulosa cells. Metabolism. 2018; 85: 192-204 (唯一通讯作者)