本实验室主要以果蝇和小鼠为模式动物,致力于发现调控果蝇睡眠和节律的 神经环路和关键基因,并探讨神经系统疾病模式动物中相关病理机制(如睡眠/节律紊乱、 社交障碍等),我们将在小鼠体内进行深入验证与拓展。实验室综合运用遗传学、分子生物 学、钙成像、电生理和行为学等技术进行多层面研究,考虑到信号通路、调控机制和生理过 程从果蝇到哺乳类均具有高度保守性,期待这些工作为动物行为的神经生物学基础和调控机 制(稳态维持与失去)提供新的认识与见解。
课题负责人: 平勇,博士生导师,副研究员,PI,当选上海科技启明星,目前主持国家自然科学基金面上基金等多项课题。
欢迎对睡眠和神经退行性疾病感兴趣的本科生和研究生加入本课题组,为探究一些重要科学问题我们一起奋斗。如有意向请联系yoping@@capc28.com (发邮件时请去掉一个@),会安排后续面谈等。
1. Feng G, Song Q, Zhang J, L Shao, Li M, Yang L, Ping Y* (2018) Control of sleep onset by Shal/Kv4 channels in Drosophila circadian neurons. Journal of Neuroscience 38(42):9059-9071
2. Song Q, Feng G, Zhang J, Xia X, Ji M, Lv L, Ping Y* (2017) NMDA Receptor-mediated Ca2+ Influx in the Absence of Mg2+ Block Disrupts Rest:activity Rhythms in Drosophila. SLEEP 40(12):1-13
3. Feng G, Pang J, Yi X, Song Q, Zhang J, Li C, He G, Ping Y* (2018) Down-regulation of KV4 channel in Drosophila mushroom body neurons contributes to Aβ42-induced courtship memory deficits. Neuroscience. 370:236-245.
4. Song Q, Feng G, Huang Z, Chen X, Chen Z, Ping Y* (2017) Aberrant axonal arborization of PDF neurons induced by Aβ42-mediated JNK activation underlies sleep disturbance in an Alzheimer's Model. Molecular Neurobiology. 54(8):6317-6328.
5. Ping Y, Hahm ET, Waro G , Song Q, Vo-Ba DA, Licursi A, Bao H, Ganoe L, Finch K, Tsunoda S* (2015). Linking Aβ42-Induced Hyperexcitability to Neurodegeneration, Learning and Motor Deficits, and a Shorter Lifespan in an Alzheimer's Model. PLOS Genetics 11(3):e1005025.
6. Ping Y and Tsunoda S (2012). Homeostatic plasticity in Drosophila central neurons, and implications in human diseases. Fly 1;6(3).
7. Ping Y & Tsunoda S* (2012). Inactivity-Induced Increase in nAChRs Up-Regulates Shal K+ Channels to Stabilize Synaptic Potentials. Nature Neuroscience 15:90-97.
8. Ping Y, Waro G, Licursi A, Smith S, Vo-Ba DA, Tsunoda S* (2011) Shal/K(v)4 channels are required for maintaining excitability during repetitive firing and normal locomotion in Drosophila. PLoS One 6:e16043.
9. Yang XF, Miao Y, Ping Y, Wu HJ, Yang XL, Wang Z* (2011) Melatonin inhibits tetraethylammonium-sensitive potassium channels of rod ON type bipolar cells via MT2 receptors in rat retina. Neuroscience 173:19-29.
10. Ping Y, Huang H, Zhang XJ, Yang XL* (2008) Melatonin potentiates rod signals to ON type bipolar cells in fish retina. Journal of Physiology 586:2683-2694.