



  • 1993年本科毕业于东北师范大学生物系,获得学士学位;
  • 1996年毕业于东北师范大学遗传与细胞研究所,获得硕士学位;
  • 2006年初毕业于韩国明知大学,获得博士学位;
  • 2007-2009年由德国洪堡基金会的资助,于德国Tuebingen大学药学院进行博士后研究;
  • 1998年3月起工作于大连理工大学生命科学与技术学院,2006年晋升副教授,2008年起任博士生导师,2011年底晋升教授。2014年10月起被聘为上海交通大学教授,就职于加拿大pc28 。









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    Zhang F, Zhao XQ*, Bai FW. 2018. Improvement of cellulase production in Trichoderma reesei Rut-C30 by overexpression of a novel regulatory gene Trvib-1. Bioresource Technology 247: 676-683.


    Zhang MM, Zhang KY, Memhood MA, Zhao ZBK, Bai FW, Zhao XQ*. 2017. Deletion of acetate transporter gene ADY2 improved tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae against multiple stresses and enhanced ethanol production in the presence of acetic acid. Bioresource Technology 245(Pt B):1461-1468. 


    Li YH, Zhang XY, Xiong L, M. Mehmood A, Zhao XQ*, Bai FW. 2017. On-site cellulase production and efficient saccharification of corn stover employing cbh2 overexpressing Trichoderma reesei with novel induction system. Bioresource Technology 238:643-649.


    Siamphana C, Jantima Arnthong J, Tharad S, Zhang F, Yang J, Laothanachareon T, Chuetor S, Champreda V, Zhao XQ*, Suwannarangsee S*. 2021. Production of D-galacturonic acid   from pomelo peel using the crude enzyme from recombinant   Trichoderma reesei   expressing a heterologous exopolygalacturonase gene. Journal of Cleaner Production 331, 129958.


    Ye PL, Wang XQ, Yuan B, Liu CG, Zhao XQ*. 2022. Manipulating cell flocculation-associated protein kinases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae enables improved stress tolerance and efficient cellulosic ethanol production. Bioresource Technology 348:126758.

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    Li J, Zeng Y, Wang WB, Wan QQ, Liu CG, R den Haan R, van Zyl WH. Zhao XQ*. 2022. Increasing extracellular cellulase activity of the recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae by engineering cell wall related proteins for improved consolidated processing. Bioresource Technology 365:128132.


    Ye PL, Yuan B, Wang XQ, Zhang MM, Zhao XQ*. 2023. Modification of phosphorylation sites in the yeast lysine methyltransferase Set5 exerts influences on the mitogen-activated protein kinase Hog1 under prolonged acetic acid stress. Microbiology Spectrum 11(2): e0301122.


    Fan SM, Li ZQ, Zhang SZ, Chen LY, Wei XY, Liang J, Zhao XQ*, Su C*. 2023. Multi-integrated approach for unravelling small open reading frames potentially associated with secondary metabolism in Streptomyces. mSystems. e0024523.


    Yang J, Yue HR, Pan LY, Feng JX, Zhao S, Suwannarangsee S, Chempreda V, Liu CG, Zhao XQ*. 2023. Fungal strain improvement for efficient cellulase production and lignocellulosic biorefinery: current status and future prospects. Bioresource Technology 385:129449.


    Zhang FL, Zhang L, Zeng DW, Liao S, Fan YC, Champreda V, Runguphan W, Zhao XQ*. 2023. Engineering yeast cell factories to produce biodegradable plastics and their monomers: current status and prospects. Biotechnology Advances. 68:108222.


  • 本科生课程:《食品与工业微生物学》、《代谢工程》、《分子生物学》、《生物学科前沿介绍》等;
  • 研究生课程:《工业微生物学》、《微生物生理与代谢调控》、《生物制造》等。


  • 在读学生
  • 毕业学生