


  • 电话:+86-021-34204072
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  • 地址:上海市闵行区东川路800号上海交大药学楼4A-225
  • 作为一个生物(临床医学)统计领域的工作者,广泛地与临床医学专家合作(包括呼吸,心律,疼痛,重症,癌症),为提高医学研究的效率,研究方法的适用性,研究结果的正确理解作出了显著的贡献。在过去的六年中在统计和生物医学期刊中发表了五十余篇的论文,其中包括发表在Biomtrika, Bio


  • 教育经历:
  • 中国华东师范大学, 统计专业,学士 1996
  • 美国鲍林格灵州立大学, 统计学, 硕士 2002
  • 美国密歇根大学,生物统计学, 博士 2006
  • 工作经历:
  • 俄亥俄州立大学生物统计系 助理教授(tenure track)
  • 印第安纳大学医学院生物统计系, 助理教授/副教授(Tenured)
  • 上海交通大学生物信息和生物统计学 长聘教授







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    Yu, Z. & Lin, X. (2008) Nonparametric Regression Using Kernel Estimating Equations for Correlated Failure Time Data Analysis. Biometrika, 95, 123-137.


    LIU, L. & YU, Z. (2008). A Likelihood Reformulation Method in Mixed Models with Non-normal Random Effect. Statistics in Medicine. 27:3105–3124.


    Yu, Z. & Lin, X. (2009) Semiparametric Regression with time-dependent regression coefficients for failure time data analaysis. Statistica Sinica, 20, 853-869.


    Yu, Z, Tu, W., and Lee, M-L. (2009). A Semiparametric Threshold Regression Analysis of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescent Women. Statistics in Medicine, 28, 3029-3042.


    Wilding, GE, Cai, XY, Hudson, A, Yu, Z (2010). A Linear Model Based Test for the Heterogeneity of Conditional Correlations. Journal of Applied Statistics, 10, 2355-66.

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    YU, Z, Liu, L. (2011). A Joint Model of Recurrent Events and a Terminal Events with Nonparametric Covariate Function. Statistics in Medicine, 30 (22), 2683 – 95.


    Yu, Z, Lin, X., Tu, W. (2011) Semiparametric Frailty Models for Cluster Failure Time Data. Biometrics, 68 (2), 429-36.


    Yu, Z, Liu , Bravata, DM, Williams, LS, Tepper, RS. (2012) A semiparametric recurrent events model with time-varying coefficients, Statistics in Medicine, DOI: 10.1002/sim.5575.


    Yu, Z, Liu L, Bravata, DM, Williams, LS (2013) A joint model of recurrent events and a terminal event with time-varying coefficients. Biometrical Journal 00 (2013) 0, 1–15.


    Yu Z, Eckert G, Liu H, Pratt, JH, Tu, W (2013). Adiposity has unique influence on the Renin-Aldosterone Axis and blood pressure in black children. The Journal of Pediatrics. (with editorial comments) 163(5):1317-22.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.06.082 (IF: 4.04)